
I would like to invite you on a journey. Take a moment. Now. Breathe in through the nose. Hold. And out through the heart. Imagine yourself from afar. You’re standing at the gates. There’s a portal opening. A door to a place within yourself that you haven’t yet explored but are yearning to. Your time has come. Take this step. Chin up. Head high. Your heart is racing. Your soul is craving. You know that there’s more to this experience than what you have felt, seen, heard, tasted, feared and grieved so far. Courageously, you move towards this warm light. Somehow, you feel complete. You feel whole. Again. Deep inside you understand that you’ve been here before. You remember. You open your arms, looking up to the sky. It was here all this time but you haven’t had the eyes to see, the ears to hear, the tongue to taste. As you walk down towards the water, you know how this place is called. You’re returning. Home.

This space is about exploration for those who are seeking.
An invitation as much as an intervention. A pause. Let it be through spoken word, moving imagery or felt experience.
There’s only one destination. Home. And one intention.
To unravel this mystery of the human experience.

explore this space deeper